DIALOGUE FOR: -- Comic 001: "The Turd Patrol" , Pg. 3 1. Timmy: "What?" 2. Carl: "There's like a huge pooper-scooper thing out there and it sure don't look friendly!" ; Timmy: "The Heck?!?" 3. Timmy: "Danny, get the others here, Carl, you get the catapult ready." ; Carl: "Yes Sir!" ; Danny: "I'm on it!" 4. A few minutes later... ; Timmy: "Any questions?" 5. Everyone: "No." ; Timmy: "Then lock 'n load, guys. We're off in five." 6. Five minutes later... 7 - 9. 10. Pooper-Scooper-Tron: "RAAARR!" 11. 12. Pooper-Scooper-Tron: "Haha! Death to all turds!"