
Timmy the Turd

Timmy the Turd

Timmy is the leader of the Turd Patrol. His exact origin is uncertain, but it is thought that he comes from the vicinity of North America. With his army helmet, sunglasses, and Turd-o-Matic™ gun, he is a threat to all of the Turd Patrol's enemies.

Carl the Crap

Carl the Crap

Carl is a ground attack specialist. Using his wits and courage, Carl can best even the toughest of enemies. He has first hand experience at surviving in the wilderness.

Danny the Dung

Danny the Dung

Danny is the artillery expert of the Turd Patrol. His strength gives him the ability to defeat powereful enemies. He can also roll quickly, giving him agility and the ability to cross even the most treacherous terrain.

Peter the Poo

Peter the Poo

Peter is a military intelligence expert. His intellectual skills let him anticipate the enemy's moves and create complex plans. He is a valuable asset to the turd patrol.

Sally the Stool

Sally the Stool

With her expert espionage skills, Sally can retrieve virtually any information needed from the enemy. Her years of training have made her a professional in her field.

Eddy the Excrement

Eddy the Excrement

Every good team needs a demolition expert, and the Turd Patrol is no exception. That's why they have Eddy. Eddy specializes in every type of explosive and bomb known. With his expert skill, he can turn almost any structure to dust in minutes.

Freddy the Fecies

Freddy the Fecies

Of all the members of the Turd Patrol, Freddy is by far the best in hand-to-hand combat. He has trained in martial arts virtually all his life and knows almost every move in the book.

Dorothy the Diarrhea

Dorothy the Diarrhea

To navigate the mysterious waters of the Great Sewer, the Turd Patrol uses their TurdSub. And, of course, this sub needs a captain. That's where Dorothy comes in. She has expert naval skills and can even disolve herself in water and reconstitute herself after!

Shelly the Shit

Shelly the Shit

Shelly is the team's recon officer. She scouts out surrounding terrain for enemies and reports on unusual sightings. Without her the Turd Patrol would be greatly crippled.

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